Platte River Lower Weir Repair
Constructed a sheet pile retaining wall along the north face of the existing Platte River Lower Weir to prevent further undermining. Filled annular space between the sheet piling and weir concrete pile cap with peastone. Installed riprap along the south face of the weir to fill undermined areas and protect from further erosion.
Bluebird Demolition
Removal of existing restaurant structure near the Leland River to make way for renovation, opening Spring 2024.
Discovery Pier Phase 1
Dredged 22,000 yds - hauled offsite
Installed round piles for docking system
Installed permanent sheeting with Waller Tie Back system
Installation of flotation dock system
Discovery Pier Phase 2
Repurposed an old coal dock into a public park
Hauled contaminated fill offsite
Site utilities (water, sewer, electric)
Site grading
Site concrete
Asphalt paving
Antrim County Bayshore Project
Existing removals
400 LF of permanent sheeting
3200 tons of rock revetment
TCAPS Montessori
Reclaimed wetland areas
Removed 150,000 CYD of muck
Imported and placed with density 32,000 CYD of sand
Foundation Prep
Site Utilities
Site Concrete
Asphalt Paving
TCAPS Athletic Fields
Existing site removals
70,000 CYD of earthwork
Underground utilities
Site shaping using GPS
Site concrete
Asphalt paving